IJCRR - 8(6), March, 2016
Pages: 12-13
Date of Publication: 22-Mar-2016
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Author: M. Ganesan, A. Ajay Raja, A. Avinash
Category: Healthcare
Abstract:Intussusception is defined as the telescoping of proximal segment of intestine into a distal segment of intestine. Intussusception is usually idiopathic, without an obvious anatomic lead point. Colocolic intussusception due to angiolipoma is very uncommon on the left side of the colon. The disease is diagnosed often late following disease progression which is attributed to its indolent course and its non specific symptomology. This cases is presented for its rarity.
Keywords: Intussusception, Colocolic intususception, Angiolipoma
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INTRODUCTION Intussusception can cause a tear in the bowel , gangrene of bowel tissue and infection. Intussusception is the commonest cause of intestinal obstruction in children age less than 3. In older children, the incidence of the a pathological lead point is up to 12%, where meckel’s diverticulum is found to be most common lead point for intussusceptions. However, other causes such as intestinal polyps, inflamed appendix, submucosal hemmorage, foreign body, ectopic pancreatic or gastric tissue. We report two case in which Colocolic intussusceptions due to angiolipoma.
CASE REPORT A 55 years old man presented with lower abdominal pain for two days with no episode of vomiting, constipation and bleeding per rectum with no previous history of similar complaints. The patient was not tachycardic with normal blood investigations. A radiogram of the erect abdomen was taken which showed a few air fluid levels with no pneumoperitoneum. An early ultrasonography of abdomen revealed telescoping of bowel within bowel in the left iliac fossa with a well defined echogenic focal lesion in its distal portion. CECT scans revealed submucosal lipoma causing colo-colic intussusceptions in the left side of the colon. A diagnosis of colo-colic intussusception was made and the patient was managed initially by nil per oral, intravenous fluids and antibiotics and with Ryles tube aspiration and a decision of emergency laporotomy was made and proceeded.
At laprotomy the surgical team found the presence of colo-colic intussusception in the descending colon involving about 8cm of the descending colon and the lead point was found to be a submucosal lipoma of size 10x8x4cm. The intussusception was reduced and a descending colon of about 10-12cm was found to be gangrenous and that segment of the gangrenous part was resected and the proximal loop of the descending colon was brought out as a colostomy and the distal loop was sutured with anterior abdominal wall with 3-0vicryl. The colostomy was fixed with the skin by 2-0silk. Histopathological examination of the specimen revealed findings consistent with angiolipoma. The patient had an expected postoperative period. Oral feeds were resumed after 3 days. The patient was discharged after suture removal and asked to come after six weeks. After six weeks patient was prepared for colostomy closure, distal loop of colon is anastomised with colostomy end to end anastomosis done and patient had an expected postoperative period .the patient was discharged and asked to review after one week.
DISCUSSION Intussusception is a process in which a segment of intestine invaginates into the adjoining intestinal lumen, causing bowel obstruction. Intussusception also cuts off the blood supply to the part of the intestine that’s affected. Intussusception can lead to a tear in the bowel (perforation), infection and death of bowel tissue. Intussusception is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in children younger than 3. Intussusception is rare in adults. Most cases of adult intussusception are the result of an underlying medical condition, such as a tumor. In this article, we reviewed the cases of Colocolic intussusception due to angiolipoma is very uncommon on the left side of the colon. This case highlights the fact that a high suspicion of a intussusceptions should be kept in mind in dealing with patient with intestinal obstruction.
CONCLUSION : It is telescoping or invaginating of one portion (segement) of bowel into the adjacent segment. Intussusception are two types antegrade and retrograde. In elderly intussusceptions colocolic is most common type, apex is formed usually by growth. It can be ileo-colic (most common type 75%), colocolic, ileoileocolic, colocolic. Intussusceptionis common in weaning period of a child (common in males), between the period of 6-9 months. It is the commest cause of intestinal obstruction in children of 6-18 months age.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author acknowledgement the immense help received the scholars whose article are cited and included in references of this manuscript. The authors are also grateful to the authors/ editors/publishers of all those articles, journals and books from where the literature for this article has been reviewed and discussed.
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