IJCRR - 10(4), February, 2018
Pages: 46-54
Date of Publication: 17-Feb-2018
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Aquatic Phyto-Biodiversity of Bargi Dam Catchment Area at Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh: An Appraisal
Author: Dharmendra Kumar Parte, S. D. Upadhyaya, R. P. Mishra, C. P. Rahangdale, Sajad Ahmad Mir, Anu Mishra
Category: Healthcare
Abstract:Aim: The study was conducted on Bargi Dam catchment area at Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh with the objective of Determining \"The Aquatic species Floristic Composition Diversity and the Vegetation Structure of the Aquatic Plants Communities in the Bargi Dam Catchment Area\".
Methodology: Random sampling method was used to collect the vegetation data according to 36 plots of per quadrates 10m x10m size.
Results: A total of 119 species belonging to 79 genera and 39 families were recorded during the survey in which emergent 61%, marshy land 21%, free floating 9%, rooted floating 1%, submerged 8% aquatic plants were identified from the Bargi Dam catchment area.
Keywords: Wetland, Catchment, Floristic composition, Aquatic plants
DOI: 10.7324/IJCRR.2018.1049
Full Text:
Aquatic ecosystems play an important role in human life. The aquatic reservoirs, tanks, dams, and ponds are used mostly for fishing, agriculture, irrigation, and other domestic purposes. Ponds are playing a very good role in rain harvesting, storage of water and regulation of ground water level. Wetland is among the most productive ecosystems in the world12. Several works have been done on the aquatic macrophytes and phytosociology in different freshwater bodies of India Biswas8 Subramanyam (1962). And Bhat, and Yousuf, (2007) , Billore and Vyas (1981), Mishra (1974), Unni,(1971), Dhote,(2007), Siraj et al (2011), Maheshwari,(1960) , Choudhary and Upadhyay (2009) and Anand et al.,(2012), undertook the taxonomic study of aquatic Plants ecosystems.
In India the first comprehensive work on the wetland flora was produced by Biswas and Calder, (1984). Aquatic plants are key components for the well-functioning of wetland ecosystem for biological productivity, supporting diverse community of ecosystem by providing lots of goods and services.
The entire study area around Bargi Dam (22044’7.5” to 22058’58.35” N latitude and 79053’52” E to 8007’13”) is spread to about 279.23 sq km along the Bargi Dam Catchment area Bargi to Chutka on both sides, covering three districts of Madhya Pradesh State i.e. Jabalpur, Mandla and Seoni, Fig.1 Total six range via Ghansour, Sikara, Bargi, Barela, Bijadandi, and Kalpi were surveyed for Aquatic plants species and identification. Range wise altitudinal variation is given in Table-1. Such a variation in the altitude of study area provides a wide diversity of landscape and aquatic habitat.
In The present study consisted of the monthly field observations, collection and identification of the different plant species accruing in Bargi Dam catchment area from 2014-2017. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of aquatic plants, and documentation were done following the methodology of Mishra (1974).The collected specimens were pressed and herbarium were prepared following Jain and Rao, (1977). All specimens were deposited in the department of Plant Physiology J.N.K.V.V. Jabalpur The aquatic plants identification and nomenclature of the plants species were done in this paper based on available floras (The flora of Madhya Pradesh (Auther) and “Aquatic and wetland Plants of India” (Cooke,1901-1908).
Total number of individuals of the species
Density (D) = ----------------------------------------------------
Total number of quadrats studied
Total number of quadrats in which species has occurred
Frequency (F) = -------------------------------------------------------------------------- X 100
Total number of quadrats studied
Total number of individuals of the species
Abundance = ------------------------------------------------------------------
Total number of quadrats in which the species occurs
No. of individuals of the species
Relative Density = ------------------------------------------------ X 100
Total no. of individuals of all species
No. of quadrats of occurrence of the individual species
Relative Frequency = --------------------------------------------------------------------- X 100
Total no. of quadrats of occurrence of all species
Total abundance of individuals species
Relative Abundance = ---------------------------------------------------- X 100
Total abundance of all species
(IVI) I Importance Value Index = Relative Density + Relative Frequency + Relative Abundance SIMPSON'S DIVERSITY INDICES
The term 'Simpson's Diversity Index' can actually refer to any one of 3 closely related indices.
Simpson's Index (D) measures the probability that two individuals randomly selected from a sample will belong to the same species (or some category other than species). There are two versions of the formula for calculating D. Either is acceptable, but be consistent.
n = the total number of organisms of a particular species
N = the total number of organisms of all species
In this study, a total of 119 species, including Submerged, rooted floating, marshy land, free floating, and emergent aquatic plants, were recorded, (Fig.2)
Core Zone-1 - Overall diversity based on IVI in core zone was 300.00, and top ten species which have high IVI in core zone comprised of Vallisneria spiralis (6.31). Typha anguistata Bory and Chaub. (5.48), Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb (5.54), Spilanthus ciliata H.B.K (5.26). Glossostigma diandra(L.) K, (5.00). Striga angustifolia (D.Don.) S.(4.75). Azolla filiculoides (4.57) Paspalidium punctatus (Burm.f.) (4.56) .And Rumex dentatus L. sp. Klotzschianus (Meisn.) Rchb , (4.56) , Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl. (4.37). Table-01
Buffer Zone II - Overall diversity based on IVI in Buffer-1 zone was 193.49 and top ten species having high IVI diversity in Buffer-01 zone were Cyperus exalatus Retz (6.45). Vallisneria spiralis (6.43), Ammania auriculata Willd (4.68), Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb (4.55). Cyperus pumilus L.(4.46). Ammania baccifera L.(4.08), Ceratophyllum demersum L. (4.07), Rotala serpillifolia (Roth.)Bremeck (3.92), Eleocharis atropurpurea (Retz.) J.(3.92), Fimbristylis falcata (Vahl) Kunth (3.78). Table-02
Buffer Zone III - Overall diversity (IVI) in Buffer-02 zone was 104.92 and top ten species with high IVI in this zone were Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. ex DC. (5.30). Eriocaulon duthiei Hook (4.87). Ischaemum rugosum Salisb (4.60) Aeschynomene indica L. (3.95). Cyperus digitatus Roxb. (3.95), Spilanthus ciliata H.B.K. (3.92), Ammania auriculata Willd (3.70), Typha anguistata Bory and Chaub (3.65). Marsilea quadrifolia L (3.53).and Cyperus exalatus Retz. (3.53) table no.01,02, and 03. Table-03
This study provides the comprehensive knowledge about the plant genera isolated from the studied region, my research also help the researchers to know about the valuable species that were documented as per the rules of plant nomenclature. A total of 119 species belonging to 79 genera and 39 families were recorded during the survey in which emergent 61%, marshy land 21%, free floating 9%, rooted floating 1%, submerged 8% aquatic plants were identified from the Bargi Dam catchment area.
Authors acknowledge the immense help received from the scholars whose articles are cited and included in references of this manuscript. The authors are also grateful to authors / editors / publishers of all those articles, journals and books from where the literature for this article has been reviewed and discussed.
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