IJCRR - 4(8), April, 2012
Pages: 85-88
Date of Publication: 25-Apr-2012
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Author: Iffat Khan, Kirti Jain
Category: General Sciences
Abstract:Coleus aromaticus Benth. Of the family Lamiaceae is a large succulent aromatic herb used for flavoring drinks and medicine. The leaves are considered as carminative, digestive, anthelmintic and diuretic. The present study is dealt with the phytochemicals analysis of the leaf extracts. The leaf extracts with various solvents like petroleum ether extract, Ethanolic extract and Aqueous extract were prepared and both qualitative and quantitative tests for phytochemicals were done.It showed the presence of saponins,carbohydrates, tannins,flavonoids,proteins,triterpenoids in various quantities.
Keywords: Colecus, Ethanolic , saponins, phytochemicals.
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About two and a half species of flowering plants belonging to 10,500 genera and about 300 families are found in nature .of these a number of genera are source of drugs. Many of the plant products are important therapeutic agents, which are represented by the various phytochemicals like saponins,carbohydrates, tannins,flavonoids, proteins, triterpenoids. The present study is concentrated on colecus arometicus Benth., belongs to family Lamiaceae.Although phytochemicals are not classified as nutrients, substances necessary for sustaining life, they have been identified as containing properties for aiding in disease prevention.phytochemical are associated with the prevention and treatment of at least four of the leading causes of death in the united statescancer,Diabetes,cardiovascular disease, and hypertensation. They are involved in many processes including one that helps prevent cell damage, prevent cancer cell replication, and decrease cholesterol levels.
Suitable explants will be taken from the authenticated and identified plant taxonomist. The identified and authenticated species were collected quantity, dried and powdered for further studies. The phytochemicals present in the plant material was extracted by the distillation method using soxhlet apparatus. Different solvent, solvent systems were used for the sepration of chemicals according to the polarity (petroleum ether extract, Ethanolic extract, aqueous extract) about 650 g of plant tissue were weighed and shade dried for 10 days. The dried materials were powdered and 50g of powder sample was packed in a thimble and kept in soxhlet apparatus. Each of the solvent was taken separately for the extraction and the powdered material was siphoned by 3 times. The whole apparatus was kept over a heating mantle and was heated continuously for 8 hours at boiling ponit of each solvent. The extract was concentrated to dryness and the residues were transferred to a pre-weighed sample bottle and were stored in desiccators for further studies.
"Phytochemicals screening of different plant extracts found by soxhlat method. in different media"
Different biochemical parameters like, saponins,carbohydrates, tannins,flavonoids,proteins,triterpenoids. 1. Test for flvonoids =Take 1 ml of the extract and add few magnesium turnings, followed by the addition of conc.HCL drop. Development of pink colour indicates the presence of flavonoids is present by ethanolic extract and aqueous extract. 2. Terpenoids = Take 2mlof extract, dry and dissolve in chloroform. Add a few drops of acetic anhydride and conc.H2S04 and keep undisturbed for few minutes. Formation of pink colour indicates the presence of terpenids by petroleum ether extract. 3. Test for tannins and phenolic compound = To 1ml of the extract, add 2 drops of 5% Fecl3. Presence of dirty green precipitate indicates the presence of tannins and phenolic compound by ethanolic extract and aqueous extract. 4. Test for saponins =5ml of the extract was shaken with 5ml of distilled water and was heated to the boiling point. Froathing indicates the presence of saponins by ethanolic extract and aqueous extract. 5. Total carbohydrate=weighed amount of fresh tissue was homogenized with distilled water. The homogenate was filtered using a two layered cheese cloth. The filtrate was then centrifuged at 10,000g for 15 min. The supernatant was collected and the volume was made up to 25 ml using distilled water .an aliquot of sample was pippetted out and 4ml anthrone reagent added. It was then kept in a boiling water bath for 10 min. The tubes were cooled and the absorbance was measured at 530nm. The amount of total carbohydrate present was determined using the standard graph of glucose.
tannins,flavonoids,triterpenoids in the soxhlet method . Study showed that the extract of plant contain most phytochemicals. Such as ?‘ saponins,carbohydrates, tannins,flavonoids,proteins,triterpenoids‘‘
Phytochemical compound of the plant were analyzed. In the analysis of phytochemical compound of colecus arometicus Benth extract showed the presence of ?‘saponins,carbohydrates, tannins,flavonoids,proteins,triterpenoids‘‘ arometicus used to treat asthma for a long time with any undesirable side effect . colecus arometicus is responsible for its pharmaceutical value.
Phytochemical analysis showed that the presence of terpenoids and phenolic compounds were responsible for the effects. Phytochemicals are also found in colecus arometicus, hence it may be the reason for the activity. In short, based on the present study it was abserved that the plant extracts, colecus arometicus in various phytochemicals like ‘saponins,carbohydrates, tannins,flavonoids,proteins,triterpenoids‘‘ In view of the above, present study was undertaken keeping mainly following objects:-
- Study of phytochemicals of colecus arometicus Benth
- Secondary metabolite analysis of colecus arometicus Benth.
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