IJCRR - 6(3), February, 2014
Pages: 01-06
Author: S. Kavitha, A. Anand, K.Y. Manjunath
Category: Healthcare
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Objective: Chorda tendinae are the connecting link between heart valves and the ventricular chambers. In valve replacement surgeries, the effective post surgical performance of the valve depends on the length of the chordae which are anchored. This study aims at giving a definitive measurement of the chordae from the papillary muscle of the ventricle to the leaflet of the valve so that an operating surgeon can have a fair idea of how much length of the chordae can be sacrificed. Materials and Methods: 50 human hearts were studied and the length, breadth and the numerical count and the position of the chordae of the mitral valve were studied. Results: The mean length of anterior chorda was 12.77mm ±4.03 S.D and posterior 12.33mm ±3.89 S.D. The mean breadth of anterior chorda was .28mm± .20 S.D and posterior .25mm ± 0.14 S.D .The anterior papillary muscle contained around an average of 10.42 ± 2.48 S.D chordae and the posterior papillary muscle contained around an average of 9.72 ± 2.39 S.D chordae. Based on the position of attachment, lateral chordae were approximately 73.22% and apical chordae 19.06% and marginal chordae was 7.72%. Conclusion: The length and the breadth of the chordae of the anterior papillary muscle were more than the length and breadth of the posterior papillary muscle. Approximate measurements of chordae will give a definitive value in mitral valvular replacement surgeries.
Keywords: chorda, chordae, tendinae, mitral valve, ventricle, leaflet, papillary muscle
S. Kavitha, A. Anand, K.Y. Manjunath. MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF CHORDA TENDINAE OF MITRAL VALVE IN HUMAN HEARTS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 6(3), February, 01-06
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