IJCRR - 6(4), February, 2014
Pages: 26-30
Author: Pankaj Malukani, M. D. Gajjar, R. N. Gonsai, Nidhi Bhatnagar, H. M. Goswami
Category: Healthcare
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Background: Despite the wide range of methods available for measurement of haemoglobin (Hb), no single technique has emerged as the most appropriate and ideal for a blood donation setup. To cater to this need both invasive and non-invasive techniques of haemoglobin estimation were analysed. Aims and Objectives: To compare invasive and non-invasive methods of haemoglobin estimation in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and donor satisfaction. Materials and Methods: A prospective study utilizing 200 blood samples was carried out in a blood donation setting for quality evaluation of five methods of haemoglobin estimation: Haematology cell analyser (reference), DiaSpect, CuSO4, HemoCue and NBM-200. Results: Mean value of HemoCue (mean ± SD = 13.8 ± 1.7 g/dl) was higher by 0.26 compared to reference (mean ± SD = 13.54 ± 1.52 g/dl). DiaSpect proved to be the best technique (sensitivity 99.4%, specificity 94.4% and likelihood ratio 17.75). CuSO4 proved to be good with Negative Predictive Value close to 91.4%. NBM-200 shows wide variation but the mean of the difference being statistically not significant. Conclusion: CuSO4 method gives accurate results, if strict quality control is applied. HemoCue and DiaSpect are too expensive to be used as a primary screening method in an economically restricted country like India, but are accurate. NBM-200 is a non-invasive method and gives good result with better compliance and donor satisfaction.
Keywords: Blood donation, haematology cell analyser, DiaSpect, HemoCue, NBM-200, CuSO4
Pankaj Malukani, M. D. Gajjar, R. N. Gonsai, Nidhi Bhatnagar, H. M. Goswami. STUDY OF NEWER INVASIVE AND NON-INVASIVE METHODS OF HAEMOGLOBIN ESTIMATION IN BLOOD DONOR SCREENING - A STUDY ON 200 DONORS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 6(4), February, 26-30
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