IJCRR - 6(6), March, 2014
Pages: 71-74
Author: Anupama K., Saraswathi G. , Jyothi K. C. , Shanmuganathan K.
Category: Healthcare
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Introduction: The plantar arterial arch is formed by anastomosis of the deep plantar branch of the dorsalis pedis artery and the deep transverse branch of the lateral plantar artery. The plantar arch gives off three perforating and four plantar metatarsal branches. An additional lateral digital branch to the fifth toe arises directly from the lateral plantar artery near the base of the fifth metatarsal bone and this artery is named as Fibular Plantar Marginal artery or Lateral Marginal Artery. The study was undertaken because of its varied origin and clinical importance in reconstructive surgery, vascular surgery and auto graft transplantation. Objectives: To study the incidence, origin and variations of Fibular Plantar Marginal Artery. Materials and methods: 50 feet of the formalin fixed adult human cadavers were dissected and studied, in the Department of anatomy, JSS Medical College, Mysore. Results: The presence of fibular plantar marginal artery was observed in 14 specimens (28%) and absent in 36 specimens. In 12 specimens it was originating from Lateral plantar artery, in 2 specimens the origin was from Dorsalis pedis artery. Conclusion: Knowledge of the variations in the anatomy of plantar arteries and the presence of fibular plantar marginal artery are important for vascular surgeons to carry out reconstructive surgeries and to obtain neurovascular flap for auto graft transplantation.
Keywords: Plantar Arch, Fibular Plantar Marginal Artery, Reconstructive Surgeries, Neurovascular flaps.
Anupama K., Saraswathi G. , Jyothi K. C. , Shanmuganathan K.. A STUDY OF FIBULAR PLANTAR MARGINAL ARTERY WITH ITS CLINICAL PERSPECTIVE International Journal of Current Research and Review. 6(6), March, 71-74
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