IJCRR - 6(7), April, 2014
Pages: 52-57
Author: Jyoti Kundu , Ravinder Kumar , Shivam Seshan
Category: Healthcare
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Background and Objective: The introduction of nano-filled resin systems has resulted in considerable controversy. Lack of evidence-based scientific information and unavoidable time lag in establishing the precise relationship between their physicomechanical properties and clinical performance sought us to substantiate & qualify relative surface roughness & anti-staining characteristics of three commercially available type of artificial teeth. Materials and Methods: Three brands of three types of artificial teeth were examined .The staining behavior of the artificial teeth after immersion in tea solution for one hour was evaluated by spectrophotometeric analysis. Qualitative SEM analysis was used to assess the surface appearance after treatment with 2% citric acid for four hours. Results: The difference in mean optical density values for unstained and stained specimen suggested least staining with nanocomposite among the combinations used. Examined teeth when subjected to citric acid retreatment showed no qualitative surface changes in nano and micro filled composite but significant surface alterations were observed in dual cross-linked acrylic teeth. Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, Nano composite showed significantly improved surface smoothness and stain resistance when compared to microfilled composite and dual cross-linked teeth tested.
Keywords: Nanocomposite denture teeth, surface finish, stain resistance, scanning electron microscope, spectrophotometry.
Jyoti Kundu , Ravinder Kumar , Shivam Seshan. A STUDY ON EVALUATION OF SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND ANTI-STANING PROPENSITY OF NANO - COMPOSITE DENTURE TEETH International Journal of Current Research and Review. 6(7), April, 52-57
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