IJCRR - 6(11), June, 2014
Pages: 58-62
Author: Gyata Mehta, Vasanti Arole
Category: Healthcare
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Objectives: Awareness about variations in renal morphology is indispensable for a surgeon doing partial nephrectomy and segmental renal resections. The advent of conservative surgical methods in renal surgery has necessitated a more precise knowledge. The aim of this study was to establish and demarcate the arterial segments of the human kidney. Methods: The study was carried out on fifty kidneys, from adult human cadavers. They were treated with 5%“Potassium hydroxide” solution for 72 hours prior to dissection. Dissection of the kidneys was done meticulously keeping in mind the orientation of poles, borders and surfaces. The branches of renal arteries were traced through the kidney substance and the renal segments were demarcated according to the segmental arteries. Results: Twenty five kidneys (50%) showed five arterial segments. Fifteen kidneys (30%) showed foursegments, five kidneys (10%) showed three segments, four kidneys (8%) showed six segments and one kidney (2%) showed only two segments. The area of distribution on anterior and posterior surfaces showed varied patterns. Conclusion: Considering the significance of knowledge of renal vascular patterns in conduct of various renal surgeries and in interventional radiology, conservative surgery and oncologic surgery, it was thought necessary to reassess the pattern of arterial segmentation in the human kidney. Keeping in mind the ever evolving knowledge and yet unexplained facts of the subject, this study was undertaken.
Keywords: Renal vascular pattern, arterial segmentation, conservative surgeries, segmental resection
Gyata Mehta, Vasanti Arole. ARTERIAL SEGMENTATION OF HUMAN KIDNEYS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 6(11), June, 58-62
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