IJCRR - 6(12), June, 2014
Pages: 43-48
Author: Vijayashree Mathad, Shivprasad S
Category: Healthcare
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Introduction: Cultural practices associated with faulty feedingamong underfive is one of the major problems, which is exaggerated by discarding of colostrums, giving of prelacteal feeds and wrong weaning practices. Objective: To assess the cultural practices associated with feeding among under fives. Material and Method: This cross sectional study was conducted in Kakati-A sub centre, under Primary Health Centre Vantamuri of Belgaum district. The sample size was 290. Data collection was done using pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire.
Keywords: Under fivechildren, Culturalpractices, Rural area, Breast feeding, Weaning.
Vijayashree Mathad, Shivprasad S. CULTURAL PRACTICES ASSOCIATED WITH FEEDING AMONG UNDERFIVECHILDREN IN A RURAL AREA: A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY International Journal of Current Research and Review. 6(12), June, 43-48
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