IJCRR - 6(15), August, 2014
Pages: 06-09
High-Output External Duodenal Fistula Treated Conservatively With Feeding Jejunostomy - A Case Report
Author: N.S. Kannan, Jayakarthik Y., M. Palaniappan, K.L. Janaki
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High-Output External Duodenal Fistula (EDF) is a challenging condition to treat. It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Sepsis, malnutrition, and electrolyte abnormality due to high out put fistulae is the classical triad of complications of External Duodenal Fistula. We are presenting a case of high-output external duodenal fistula following duodenal perforation closure treated conservatively with feeding jejunostomy designed with forethought at the time of duodenal perforation closure itself to hasten the recovery at lesser cost with less morbidity and no mortality
Keywords: High-Output External Duodenal Fistula (EDF), Conservative Treatment, Feeding Jejunostomy
N.S. Kannan, Jayakarthik Y., M. Palaniappan, K.L. Janaki. High-Output External Duodenal Fistula Treated Conservatively With Feeding Jejunostomy - A Case Report International Journal of Current Research and Review. 6(15), August, 06-09
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