IJCRR - 6(18), September, 2014
Pages: 01-06
Author: Marshal M. Kyambia, Benedict M. Mutua
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The main parameters of drought phenomenon are the longest duration and largest severity for a desired return period. These parameters form the basis for designing water storage structures to cope with drought effects. In this study, these drought parameters were estimated using the probability based theory. The sample estimates of the mean, coefficient of variation, skewness, correlation and information on the probability distribution of flow sequence, were used as the basic input parameters. The truncation level was considered at mean level of the annual flow sequences of River Malewa in Lake Naivasha basin. In this basin, 100, 50, 10, 5 and 2-year droughts may persist continuously for 6, 4, 3, 2 and 1 years respectively. From the probabilistic approach for a normal probability distribution function, high values of coefficient of variation resulted in high values of the actual severity. The results show that there is drought severity in Lake Naivasha basin especially in parts experiencing high inter-annual variability in annual flow regimes.
Keywords: Drought, Severity, Return Period, Probability Theory, Truncation Level
Marshal M. Kyambia, Benedict M. Mutua. ANALYSIS OF DROUGHT EFFECT ON ANNUAL STREAM FLOWS OF RIVER MALEWA IN THE LAKE NAIVASHA BASIN, KENYA International Journal of Current Research and Review. 6(18), September, 01-06
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