IJCRR - 6(20), October, 2014
Pages: 74-76
Author: Supriya Panda, S. Saraswathi, K. Bhaskara Rao, R. Sarath Babu, D. Vijaya Bharathi, B. P. L. Premanandini
Category: Healthcare
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Objectives: To know the role of Mantoux test in detecting tuberculosis in tuberculosis suspects attending to MIMS General Hospital, Nellimarla, Vizianagaram.Methods: A total of 445 tuberculosis suspects between the age group 2 year to 70 year from rural area after taking written consent were included in the present study for a period of 1 year from April 2012 to March 2013.Inclusion criteria were smear negative & Chest X ray negative cases. Exclusion criteria were HIV infection & other immunosuppressive conditions. Mantoux test was done by injecting 0.1 ml of 5 TU PPD (Span) intradermally into the volar aspect of left forearm. The skin area free of lesions and away from veins was chosen. The injection was made by 1/4th to 1/2 inch 27 gauge needle and a tuberculin syringe so that an elevation of 6-10 mm was produced. Tests were read between 48-72 hrs after injection. The diameter of the indurations was measured transversely along the long axis of forearm.
Results: Out of 445 cases, 295 cases were positive (66.3%) having indurations of more than or equal to 10 mm. It was positive
in 88.23 % in children in 2-5 years age, 78% in females and 60% in males.
Conclusion: In the present study Mantoux test was positive in 66.3% of sputum smear & chest X ray negative tuberculosis
suspects in comparison to 30-40% in general population of India. So it has a role in detecting extra 26% of infection with M.
tuberculosis in this group.
Keywords: Mantoux test, Tuberculosis suspects
Supriya Panda, S. Saraswathi, K. Bhaskara Rao, R. Sarath Babu, D. Vijaya Bharathi, B. P. L. Premanandini. ROLE OF MANTOUX TEST IN DETECTING TUBERCULOSIS IN TUBERCULOSIS SUSPECTS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 6(20), October, 74-76
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