IJCRR - 6(20), October, 2014
Pages: 70-73
Author: Sunil J. Pundge, Pankaj Wadekar, Suresh Gangane, Shabana Borate
Category: Healthcare
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The body donation is honorable and gracious act which helps society in many ways. The study of anatomy is important and done by dissection of human bodies. Anatomy is the subject which deals with structure of the human body. Anatomy is important basic subject for medical students, both Under Graduate (U.G.), Post Graduate (P.G.) and teaching faculties for conduction various workshops. Cadaveric dissection remains an important tool for learning anatomy. In Maharashtra the Anatomy Act was adopted as Bombay Anatomy Act 1949 which helps to obtain the bodies in medical institutions. It is said that, the demand for cadavers remains strong, and numerous ideas have been voiced to augment the supply. In Mumbai region various non-government organizations help in body donation by arranging various awareness camps. In this article the data of Grant Government Medical College is used to the effect of awareness camps on body donation. If we go through the data, it can be clearly said that due to awareness there is increase in numbers of body donation. In this article, the brief of history, the various anatomical acts, the tools to increase body donation, importance of body donation and some steps are suggested to create awareness in common people regarding body donation. The decision to donate one’s body for anatomical learning and research is one, which should not make hastily but should be based upon sound reasons and convictions.
Keywords: Body donation, Cadaveric dissection
Sunil J. Pundge, Pankaj Wadekar, Suresh Gangane, Shabana Borate. BODY DONATION AND EFFECT OF AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS IN MUMBAI REGION International Journal of Current Research and Review. 6(20), October, 70-73
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