IJCRR - 6(24), December, 2014
Pages: 48-53
Author: Vineeta Mittal, Fareya Haider
Category: Healthcare
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Aims: Study the prevalence of multidrug resistant Ps. aeruginosa in hospitalized patients by antibiotic sensitivity test and detection of MBL producing Ps. aeruginosa by two phenotypic methods.
Methods: Total numbers of 83 samples were taken from patients admitted in wards of different departments. Specimens were inoculated on Mac Conkey agar and sheep blood agar. Identification of isolates was done by colony characteristics and biochemical reactions. These isolates were then subjected to susceptibility testing against various antibiotics by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion test as per CLSI guidelines. Imipenem resistant isolates were selected for the detection of metallo-beta-lactamases production by two phenotypic methods ie Modified Hodge Test and Imipenem-EDTA combined disc test and confirmed by E test
Results: In this study eleven imipenem resistant isolates were found. Out of which six were found positive for MBL by modified Hodge test, Disc synergy test and MBL E test .These MBL positive isolates were mostly from urine samples.
Conclusion: Clinical microbiology laboratories should use proper phenotypic screening methods in all imipenem resistant isolates. In patients admitted in hospital, there should be careful and conservative use of Carbapenems. Most of MBL producing Ps.aeruginosa were isolated from urine specimen coming from surgery wards, so strict vigilance of catheterized operated patients is needed..
Keywords: Carbapenem resistance, Metallo-beta-lactamase, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Vineeta Mittal, Fareya Haider. PREVALENCE OF METALLO BETA LACTAMASE PRODUCING PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA IN HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 6(24), December, 48-53
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