IJCRR - 7(2), January, 2015
Pages: 41-46
Author: Mirza Ghufran Baig, Mohd Aleemuddin Quamri
Category: Healthcare
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Introduction and Objectives: Cervical Spondylosis is a degenerative disease of intervertebral discs and adjacent vertebral bodies of the cervical region with or without neurological sign. Despite the advancement in pharmacological, non pharmacological and surgical interventions, the management remains unsatisfactory due to high cost, and unusual eventualities. Unani physicians managed such joint disorders with diverse treatment modalities viz., diet, drugs, regimens such as dalk (massage) , riyazat (excercise), hijama (cupping), etc. Hence to scientifically validate the efficacies of Hijamat Bila Shurt (regimen) and Habbe Gule Aakh (a poly herbal formulation) a comparative clinical trial was conducted. Material and Methods: The study was conducted as a comparative, open labeled, randomized clinical trial on 30 patients with 15 in each group. Both groups received treatment for 21 days, Hijamat Bila Shurt group subjected once daily and Habbe Gule Aakh 2 BD orally with three follow ups (7th, 14th and 21st). The pre and post treatment effects were assessed based on subjective and objective parameters.
Results and Conclusion: The subjective parameters like neck pain, tenderness, and difficulty in neck movement were reduced with high statistical significance (p<0.001) with no significant reduction in paraesthesia in both group (p>0.05). Objective parameters Northwich Park Neck Pain Questionnaire (NPQ) revealed strong statistical significance (p<0.001) in both groups, whilstno significant change observed neither in Spurling Test (ST) nor in Neck Distraction Test (NDT) (p>0.05). Inter group analysis reveals no statistical significance (p>0.05) difference between the groups, but Hijamat Bila Shurt is found comparatively more
effective than Habbe Gule Aakh using ANOVA and student ‘t’ test (two tailed and independent). Moreover, both groups were found safe without any adverse effect.
Keywords: Cervical spondylosis; Hijamat Bila Shurt; Habbe Gule Aakh; Unani medicine
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