IJCRR - 7(3), February, 2015
Pages: 17-21
Author: Jayasudha Katralli, Shivaprasad S. Goudar, Veeresh Itagi
Category: Healthcare
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Introduction: Judo is the sport in which movements are powerful, delivered in a short period of time, usually against the force of the opponent. Judo athletes ought to be speedy, tough and supple. Flexibility and agility are two indispensible physical fitness characteristics which are neglected and where there is lack of information regarding the testing and the training exercises in Indian scenario.
Methodology: This cross sectional study included 31 Judo players with minimum 3yrs of practice and of age 18-25years. Players were divided into A and B group depending on > or ? 5 years of judo training. Flexibility was tested using sit and reach tester and agility by side step test. Statistical analysis done using Students unpaired ‘t’ test.
Results: 20 players belonged to A group and 11 players to B group. Mean Flexibility score was found higher for Judo B group compared to Judo A group with statistically significant difference (p <0.05). Mean Agility test score was similar for both groups with no significant difference.
Conclusion: Long duration of the training period improves the flexibility of a player whereas agility is well developed parameters in all the players and seems to have reached the summit in them.
Keywords: Flexibility, Agility, Sit and reach, Side step test
Jayasudha Katralli, Shivaprasad S. Goudar, Veeresh Itagi. A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY TO ASSESS FLEXIBILITY AND AGILITY LEVELS IN INDIAN JUDO PLAYERS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 7(3), February, 17-21
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