IJCRR - 7(7), April, 2015
Pages: 35-39
Author: Jalaluddeen Mahin Vaidyar, Sandeep Shibli, U. Hashir Safwan, Shabir Kassim
Category: Healthcare
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Background: Bipolar hemiarthroplasty is an effective option for unstable intertrochanteric fractures in the elderly. This study evaluated the functional and radiological outcome following uncemented hemiarthroplasty in elderly unstable intertrochanteric fractures
Methods: 25 hips were followed for a period of 1 year after hemiarthroplasty with a blast coated revision stem (Orthovasive). The mean age was 77 and mean follow up 16 months. The modified Merle D’Aubigne score was assessed for function and radiological results were assesses using a range of indices.
Results: At the last follow up the mean Merle D’Aubigne score was 14.5. Twenty cases (80%) regained their preoperative walking ability postoperatively. Radiologically, there were 15 cases (60%) of bone in growth and 10 cases (40%) with stable fibrous fixation. Endosteal new bone formation was found in 10 (40%) patients. There were no cases with progressive subsidence or significant changes in alignment.
Conclusions: The functional and radiological outcome after 1 year followup in unstable intertrochanteric fractures in elderly patients with uncemented bipolar arthroplasty was satisfactory.
Keywords: Elderly, Unstable intertrochanteric fracture, Uncemented bipolar arthoplasty
Jalaluddeen Mahin Vaidyar, Sandeep Shibli, U. Hashir Safwan, Shabir Kassim. FUNCTIONAL AND RADIOLOGICAL OUTCOME OF UNCEMENTED BIPOLAR ARTHROPLASTY
IN UNSTABLE INTERTROCHANTERIC FRACTURES OF THE ELDERLY International Journal of Current Research and Review. 7(7), April, 35-39
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