IJCRR - 7(8), April, 2015
Pages: 07-13
Author: Anuj Mittal, Vedapriya Dande Rajasekar, Lavanya Krishnagopal
Category: Healthcare
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Context: The rising use of cell phone made people dependent on cell phone, to an extent that with usual disruption of services people feel disturbed. Cell phone dependence can be considered as a new diagnostic entity. Current literature proves that there is cell phone dependence among youth but not many studies highlight its implications and magnitude in developing Nations.
Methods and Material: A cross-sectional study was planned to evaluate dependence on cell phone among medical under graduate students and its implications. Total of 309 students studying in second to eighth semester had responded on self administered questionnaire.
Results: Among 309 participants, 131 were males and 178 were females. There was no significant difference between call patterns of males and females. Students were restless when they were unable to contact desired person (3.9+1.47) and when they forget to bring the cell phone (restlessness observed significantly among very frequent users). Total 54% students were angry with cell phone; the common reasons were software problems (29.3%), unavailability of network (23.4%), annoying messages and calls (22.8%). 25% students attend call while driving. False perception of ring was reported by 64.4% users and it was twice
more common among students with emotional bonding score greater than 18.
Conclusions: As observed unjustified use of cell phone may result in problems, therefore health education should be targeted to youth to prevent harmful effect of this great invention.
Keywords: Mobile phone, Dependence, False perception of ring
Anuj Mittal, Vedapriya Dande Rajasekar, Lavanya Krishnagopal. CELL PHONE DEPENDENCE AMONG MEDICAL STUDENTS AND ITS IMPLICATIONS - A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY International Journal of Current Research and Review. 7(8), April, 07-13
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