IJCRR - 7(8), April, 2015
Pages: 01-06
Author: Onunkwo D. N., Okoro I. C.
Category: General Sciences
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An investigation into the egg production performance of three varieties of Guinea fowls was studied. The experimental varieties were Pearl (Sake), Lavender (Hurudu) and Black (Angulu). Base populations of 180 guinea fowls were used to generate 144 F1 females comprising 48 birds per variety. Each variety was divided into three randomized replicates containing 16 birds per replicate. Data were collected fortnightly on egg production performance traits. Parameters collected for egg production included Body Weight (BWT), Body Weight Gain (BWG), Feed Intake (FI), Feed per Dozen Egg (FDE), Feed Efficiency (FE), Egg Number (EN), Percent Hen Day Production (% HD). Data collected were treated statistically. The Pearl, Lavender and Black varieties showed some similarities in the trend produced for some parameters. Body weight gain and mortality percent portrayed a decreasing trend as egg number increased, whereas, the daily feed intake, percent henday, and feed per dozen eggs tended to increase with an increase in egg number. The three varieties also demonstrated differences in such traits like feed efficiency, feed per dozen egg and body weight. These differences in phenotypic performance may suggest some level of genetic differences in these varieties and thus further research on the genetic characteristics of helmeted guinea fowl varieties is recommended.
Keywords: Egg production, Guinea fowl, Performance, Humid tropics
Onunkwo D. N., Okoro I. C.. EGG PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE OF THREE VARIETIES OF GUINEA FOWLS IN HUMID TROPICS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 7(8), April, 01-06
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