IJCRR - 7(9), May, 2015
Pages: 66-70
Author: Prajakta Kishore Kalangutkar
Category: Healthcare
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Biomedical Engineering is one of the most important fields in engineering as it deals with interfacing the human body with electronic devices. Thus the performances of these Biomedical devices need to meet the requirements. However the traditional devices lack in certain aspects due to the accessibility of complex structures. With the recent advances in Nanotechnology, a wide range of Biomedical devices are gaining a boom in development by overcoming the drawbacks of the traditional devices. The application of Nanotechnology in Biomedical engineering has given rise to a drug delivery system that directly targets the affected cell, a nano capsule with camera that can be swallowed by patient for diagnosing ailments and many more such applications that make the diagnosing and treatment much simpler and the complex structures accessible. This paper reviews the advancement of Biomedical applications due to the integration of Nanotechnology field
Keywords: Nanoparticles, Nanomanufacturing, Microbots, Biomarkers
Prajakta Kishore Kalangutkar. NANOTECHNOLOGY - ADVANCING THE FIELD OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING International Journal of Current Research and Review. 7(9), May, 66-70
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