IJCRR - 7(18), September, 2015
Pages: 46-56
Author: D. Ram Mundada, R.H. Kamble, Anuradha Rajkuwar, Sunita Shrivastava, Narendra Sharma, Rizwan Gilani
Category: Healthcare
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To compare dental arch form between the cases with thumb sucking, tongue thrusting and normal arch form using Euclidean distance matrix analysis”
Materials and Method: The sample consist of 30 patients ranging in age from 13 to 17 years were divided into three groups - Group 1- Subjects with thumb sucking habit, Group 2- Subjects with tongue thrusting habit and Group 3- Subjects without any history of habit. Study model impression was made and analysis of recorded data was carried out using a WinEDMA to compare the arch shape, size, inter-canine and inter-molar width. The statistical significance of the form difference was tested by using a
“bootstrap” procedure.
Result: There was a significant arch-shape difference in the maxillary arches between thumb sucking subjects and subjects with no habits. Whereas significant arch-shape differences were found in the mandibular arch of tongue thrusting individual and those with no any habits. On comparing thumb sucking and tongue thrusting subjects, there was a significant arch-shape difference in the maxillary and mandibular arches. The arch size of tongue thrusting subjects was larger as compared to thumb sucking subjects.
Conclusion: Expansion of narrow maxillary arch width in anterior region should be considered to harmonize with normal mandibular arch form in thumb-sucking subjects, whereas expansion of maxillary arch width I posterior region should be considered to harmonize with wider mandibular arch form in tongue thrusting subjects.
Keywords: Arch form, Thumb sucking, Tongue thrusting, EDMA
D. Ram Mundada, R.H. Kamble, Anuradha Rajkuwar, Sunita Shrivastava, Narendra Sharma, Rizwan Gilani. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DENTAL ARCH FORM IN CASES WITH THUMB SUCKING, TONGUE THRUSTING AND NORMAL ARCH FORM USING EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE MATRIX ANALYSIS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 7(18), September, 46-56
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