IJCRR - 7(20), October, 2015
Pages: 30-36
Author: Paapa Dasari, Haritha Sagili, Subitha Lakshminarayan
Category: Healthcare
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Objective: To assess the existing knowledge regarding causation and prevention of carcinoma cervix and to increase their awareness though a health education program addressing prevention especially by HPV vaccination among teachers and parents of school children.
Material and Methods: This was a cross sectional interventional study conducted in St. Joseph’s of Cluny School, in Puducherry. Health education regarding carcinoma cervix and its prevention was given by an illustrated lecture using powerpoint presentation and Question answer sessions. Pretest and post test questionnaire in Tamil (Local Language) and English was used. Study population was 325 mothers including school teachers. Statistical Analysis: SPSS 16 was used. All categorical variables were presented as percentages and the pre-test and post test questionnaire were compared by using Chi square test.
Results: Knowledge of causation by HPV virus improved from 50% to 98% on post test (p<0.001). There was a significant improvement (80%) regarding dosage, side effects of the vaccine and 75% improvement regarding age of administration of vaccine. There was a significant improvement in knowledge regarding efficacy of the vaccine, place of availability and cost of HPV vaccine. Acceptability if the vaccine is provided through the schools was about 92% after the health education programme.
Conclusion: Though 50% were aware about the disease and its causation the knowledge regarding its prevention by HPV vaccination and its availability was poor at baseline. After the health education programme there was a statistically significant improvement in all aspects.
Keywords: Carcinoma Cervix, Primary prevention, HPV Vaccine, Health education, Parents of adolescent girls
Paapa Dasari, Haritha Sagili, Subitha Lakshminarayan. HEALTH EDUCATION REGARDING HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV VACCINE) FOR PRIMARY PREVENTION OF CERVICAL CANCER FOR PARENTS OF ADOLESCENT GIRLS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 7(20), October, 30-36
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