IJCRR - 7(24), December, 2015
Pages: 01-05
Author: Kruti Bharatkumar Tapiyawala, M. Natarajan
Category: Healthcare
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Objective: Majority of studies in the past about ventral branches of abdominal aorta mainly focused on the branching pattern.
The cadaveric data on the vertebral level of origin of the ventral branches of abdominal aorta is less. Hence the study aimed at
the morphology of proximal part of ventral branches of abdominal aorta.
1. To determine the vertebral level of origin of coeliac trunk
2. To determine the vertebral level of origin of superior mesenteric artery
3. To determine the vertebral level of origin of inferior mesenteric artery
Materials and Methods: Fifty embalmed cadavers were dissected. The vertebral level of origin of ventral branches were determined
and variations were noted.
1. In 38% cases, the vertebral level of origin of coeliac trunk was found to be located at the level of intervertebral disc (IVD)
2. In 24% cases, the vertebral level of origin of superior mesenteric artery was found to be located at the level of intervertebral
disc (IVD) T12-L1 and upper 1/3rd of L1.
3. In 22% cases, the vertebral level of origin of inferior mesenteric artery was found to be located at the level of intervertebral
disc (IVD) L3-L4.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the present study provides a comprehensive data about the abdominal aorta and the proximal part
of its ventral branches which will help in interpretation of radiographs and during surgery of different types of abdominal pathology
in Indian population. Awareness of these variations can prevent potential intra-operative and post- operative complications.
Keywords: Ventral branches, Coeliac trunk, Superior mesenteric artery, Inferior mesenteric artery
Kruti Bharatkumar Tapiyawala, M. Natarajan. A STUDY OF MORPHOLOGY OF THE PROXIMAL PART OF VENTRAL BRANCHES OF ABDOMINAL AORTA IN CADAVERS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 7(24), December, 01-05
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