IJCRR - 8(2), January, 2016
Pages: 01-06
Author: Madhavrao C., Mythili Bai K., Rema Menon N., Sharath Babu K., Prathab Asir A.
Category: Healthcare
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Aim and Objectives: To evaluate the KAP towards principles of research in medical postgraduates in a teaching tertiary care centre. Materials and Methods: After obtaining approval from the IHEC and valid informed consent, the participants were recruited into the study. The study included 26 medical postgraduates from different disciples and who were asked to fill the pre-validated structured questionnaire on principles of research. The study was conducted during the period of January 2014- March 2015. The collected data from questionnaire forms were entered into Microsoft office excel 2007 and was expressed in frequency and percentage. Results: It was observed that more than 50% of study participants were able to answer the correct response for questions on knowledge about the principles of research. Majority of the study participants [88.46%] were able to mark the correct response for the definition of research. The study also showed that attitude towards research among medical postgraduates was positive with 92.31% were opined to have or undergo seminars/ workshops/CME to update their knowledge on principles of research periodically. However the practice towards principle of research seems to be not satisfactory. It was noticed that only 7.69% of study participants had experience in sending the manuscript for publication in peer reviewed journals. Conclusion: There was good knowledge and positive attitude, with poor practices towards principles of research among medical postgraduates.
Keywords: KAP, Research, Postgraduates, Medical, Tertiary care centre
Madhavrao C., Mythili Bai K., Rema Menon N., Sharath Babu K., Prathab Asir A.. KNOWLEDGE ATTITUDE AND PRACTICES TOWARDS PRINCIPLES OF RESEARCH AMONG MEDICAL POSTGRADUATES IN A TEACHING TERTIARY CARE CENTRE International Journal of Current Research and Review. 8(2), January, 01-06
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