IJCRR - 8(8), April, 2016
Pages: 44-49
Author: Damla Torul, Mehmet Cihan Bereket, Ismail Sener, Ali Ilker Bastan
Category: Healthcare
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With revolutions in biotechnology, implant surgery has become a routine therapy in the last three decades for the rehabilitation of completely or partially edentulous patients. Despite implant surgery increasing popularity and high success rates of, complications due to implant therapy are still unavoidable. Complications can occur either intra-operative or post-operative period of the surgery. Intra-operative complications such as hematoma and ingestion or inhalation of mechanical components or instruments can be serious as life-threatening. Other complications that occur during implant placements are usually associated with local damages such as nerve injury, adjacent teeth damage and perforations of the nasal cavity or maxillary sinus. Also mandible fractures, sinusitis, peri-implant mucositis, peri-implantitis and periapical implant lesions are the complications that frequently encountered after surgery. Therefore implant therapy is a complicated procedure and the management of the complications associated with this therapy requires a special training and experience. This review categorized complications associated with dental implant applications and discusses management options of these complications.
Keywords: Dental implant, Displacement, Hemorrhage, Life-threating, Nerve injury
Damla Torul, Mehmet Cihan Bereket, Ismail Sener, Ali Ilker Bastan. INTRAOPERATIVE AND POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS, ACCIDENTS AND FAILURES RELATED WITH DENTAL IMPLANT APPLICATIONS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 8(8), April, 44-49
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