IJCRR - 9(7), April, 2017
Pages: 23-27
Craniofacial Anthropometric Measurement of Normal Full Term Newborns in Lower Hills of Himachal Pradesh
Author: Soni Pankaj, K. Prabhakaran, Kapoor Kanchan
Category: Healthcare
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Introduction: Anthropometric measurements of infant body help us to predict their health and future growth. The objective of this study is to document anthropometric data of normal newborns in Himachal Pradesh. This work will definitely prove a contribution in the anthropometric study as hardly any research work is done on this subject in Himachal Pradesh.
Methods: 100 normal full term newborns comprising 50 males 50 females delivered in labor ward of civil hospitals in Himachal Pradesh, measured within12-24 hours after birth. The mean and SD values for different cranio-facial dimensions were obtained by using Digital caliper and non-stretchable measuring tape.
Result: All the parameters were significantly (p<0.001) correlated to each other. With regards to head width, facial width showed the highest correlation (r=0.756) in females, (r=0.686) in males as compared to other anthropometric parameters. Facial width is the best surrogate to predict head width. Parson’s correlation coefficient for head circumference showed high significant with head length (r=0.617), head width (r=0.617), facial width (r=0.673) in males. The mean value and standard deviation (Mean±SD) for different craniofacial anthropometric parameters were obtained and high significant was found in nasal height for male and female (p=0.0042).
Keywords: Anthropometric, New born, Himachal, Cranio-facial, Correlation, Full term
Soni Pankaj, K. Prabhakaran, Kapoor Kanchan. Craniofacial Anthropometric Measurement of Normal Full Term Newborns in Lower Hills of Himachal Pradesh International Journal of Current Research and Review. 9(7), April, 23-27
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