IJCRR - 9(7), April, 2017
Pages: 05-10
Changes in Levels of Soil Carbon and Forest Floor Carbon Stocks in the different Temperate Forests of Garhwal Himalaya
Author: Ram Krishan, Om Prakash Tiwari, Yashwant Singh Rana, Ashish K. Mishra, C. M. Sharma
Category: General Sciences
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Objectives: Since soil carbon (C) is a principal source of energy for the nutrient-recycling activities of heterotrophic soil organisms, the maintenance of belowground C stocks is vital for sustaining forest productivity.
Methods: The present study was conducted in temperate region of the Garhwal Himalaya during the year 2014-2016 to assess the belowground carbon flux in the forest ecosystem. In the study, we studied the component wise belowground carbon flux in trees, soil organic carbon (SOC) and litter carbon of six different forest types for measuring total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA).
Results and Conclusion: The total belowground carbon of live trees varies 20.02 to 60.58 MgC/ha, whereas stock root carbon (14.01-38.27 MgC/ha), lateral roots carbon (5.24-17.57 MgC/ha) and fine root carbon (0.67-12.2 MgC/ha) in selected forest types were recorded. The maximum SOC was exhibited by Abies pindrow forest (110.83± 5.04 MgC/ha), followed by Pinus roxburghii forest (108.22±13.03MgC/ha), Quercus floribunda forest (97.37±7.64 MgC/ha), whereas minimum SOC was recorded in Cedrus deodara forest (56.94±5.13 MgC/ha). The maximum value of litter carbon was recorded for Abies pindrow forest (2.94±1.02 MgC/ha), followed by Quercus semecarpifolia forest (2.22±0.33 MgC/ha), Quercus floribunda forest (2.06±0.28 MgC/ha), Cedrus deodara forest (1.86±0.26 MgC/ha), Quercus leucotrichophora forest (1.44±0.27 MgC/ha), Pinus roxburghii forest (0.84±0.10 MgC/ha). Forest ecosystem in Garhwal Himalaya appears to be the most conducive soil–climatic environment for higher accumulation of SOC, thus helping in maintaining the soil quality. The study showed that belowground carbon stocks in Abies pindrow forests seems has maximum in carbon assimilatory capacity, whereas Cedrus deodara forest has minimum BGC stocks. There is a huge potential to increase SOC potential through the soil conservation and hence should be implemented.
Keywords: Soil organic carbon, Biomass, Garhwal himalaya, Climate change
Ram Krishan, Om Prakash Tiwari, Yashwant Singh Rana, Ashish K. Mishra, C. M. Sharma. Changes in Levels of Soil Carbon and Forest Floor Carbon Stocks in the different Temperate Forests of Garhwal Himalaya International Journal of Current Research and Review. 9(7), April, 05-10
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