IJCRR - 8(9), May, 2016
Pages: 07-11
Author: Samiksha Nikam, B. T. Jadhav
Category: Technology
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Ad hoc network is popular nowadays due to the easy disposition and self-configuring nature. Hence, routing related issues encounter challenges in the ad hoc network. Such network is mainly used for transmission of text, picture and video data. The speed of data delivery decides the quality of service of the network. The quality of service depends upon the protocol used for data transmission. Efficient routing protocol improves the quality of service. The efficiency of the protocol is decided by evaluating different performance parameters like throughput, delay, packet drop, routing load, packet delivery ratio etc. The end to end delay is one of the most important performance parameter sofad-hoc network. It plays a major role in deciding the quality of service. The delay is measured as total time is taken by the packet to reach the destination. Delay in ad hoc network gets affected by the mobility of nodes, and a number of nodes connected to the network. The objective of this research paper is to analyze delay of ad hoc network for DSDV routing protocol. The delay is measured in high and low mobility scenario by changing various parameters of ad hoc network such as a number of nodes, pause time, speed, and connections between the nodes. Network simulator ns2.34 is used for this.
Keywords: Ad-hoc Network, DSDV, NS2.34, Performance Measurements, Delay
Samiksha Nikam, B. T. Jadhav. DELAY ANALYSIS OF ADHOC NETWORK USING NS 2.34 International Journal of Current Research and Review. 8(9), May, 07-11
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