IJCRR - 8(12), June, 2016
Pages: 01-05
Author: Pranay Jadav, Rhythm Panchani
Category: Healthcare
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Aim: Present study was carried out to assess the prevalence and factors associated with depression among old age living in urban slums. Methodology: A cross sectional community based study was done in field practice area of urban health training center of a Medical Institute. A total of 150 participant of age 60 or more had been interviewed by house to house survey. Depression was measured by Geriatric Depression scale (GDS)-15. Results: Overall prevalence of depression among old age in urban slums was 30.7%. Prevalence among female was 33.82% and among male was 28.04%. Conclusion: Depression among geriatric population was significantly associated with illiteracy, living alone, chronic morbidity and poly-pharmacy.
Keywords: Depression, Old age, Urban slums
Pranay Jadav, Rhythm Panchani. DEPRESSION AMONG OLD AGE IN URBAN SLUMS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 8(12), June, 01-05
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