IJCRR - 8(17), September, 2016
Pages: 50-59
Author: Lukianova N., Borikun T., Yalovenko T., Chekhun V.
Category: Healthcare
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Aim: To determine the features of miR-122 and -200b expression signature in BC patients due to major clinical-pathological characteristics of the disease.
Methodology: The expression levels of miR-122 and -200b and ER, PR, Her2/neu, Ki-67, E-cadh, N-cadh, FTH1, Hepc were analyzed in cancer tissue and sera of BC patients. Relative expression levels of the miR-122 and -200b were examined using qRT-PCR (Quantitative Reverse Transcription PCR), protein expression was measured by immunohistochemical analysis.
Results: Correlation between miR-122 and -200b expression clinical-pathological characteristics of BC was established. Prognostic value of miR-122 and -200b was estimated.
Discussion and Conclusion: Changes of miR-122 and -200b expression in tumor tissue and sera of BC patients provide information about major clinical-pathological characteristics of BC.
Keywords: miRNA, Breast cancer, Prognosis
Lukianova N., Borikun T., Yalovenko T., Chekhun V.. ROLE OF MIRNA-122 AND MIRNA-200B IN INTRATUMOR HETEROGENEITY FORMATION AND HUMAN BREAST CANCER PROGNOSIS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 8(17), September, 50-59
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