IJCRR - 8(21), November, 2016
Pages: 25-28
Author: Pammy Sinha, K. Sivakami, R. Thamilselvi
Category: Healthcare
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Introduction: Tuberculosis is still one of the most frequently occurring infectious diseases worldwide. The term extrapulmonary tuberculosis has been used to describe the isolated occurrence of TB at body sites other than the Lung. In India extrapulmonary tuberculosis comprises 20% of all cases of tuberculosis. Aim and Objective: To study the clinicomorphological pattern of lymphnode pathology.
Material and Methods: Our study is a retrospective analysis of all lymphnode excision cases received in the Department of Pathology for a period of 5 years (January 2007 to December 2011).
Result: We received a total of 98 cases, of which 36 were tubercular lymphadenitis. Maximum number of cases was in the age group of 22-31 years and females outnumbered males.
Conclusion: Cervical group of lymphnodes were most commonly involved and cases w ere at peak in 2011 after which it reduced.
Keywords: Tuberculosis, Extrpulmonary, Lymphadenitis, Cervical
Pammy Sinha, K. Sivakami, R. Thamilselvi. TREND IN EXTRAPULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO LYMPH NODES-A FIVE YEARS STUDY International Journal of Current Research and Review. 8(21), November, 25-28
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