IJCRR - 5(6), March, 2013
Pages: 16-21
Author: Rayese Ahmad, Vaseem Raja, Manik Sharma
Category: Healthcare
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The hepatoprotective activity of Ethyl acetate extract of Adhatoda vasica was investigated against CCl4 induced liver damage in Swiss albino rats. At the dose of 1ml/kg, CCl4 induced liver damage in rats as manifested by statistically significant increase in serum Alanine aminotransferase, (ALT), Aspartate aminotransfrase (AST), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) and also in serum Bilirubin. Pre-treatment of rats with the ethyl acetate Extract of Adhatoda Vasica (100mg/kg and 200mg/kg) prior to the CCl4 dose at 1ml/kg statistically lowered the three serum level enzymes and also Bilirubin. Histopathlogical observations also coincided with the above results, however 200mg/kg dose was found to be more active. Current results suggest that Ethyl acetate extract of Adhatoda vasica has potent hepatoprotective effect against CCl4 - induced liver damage.
Keywords: Adhatoda vasica, CCl4, silymarin and DMSO.
Rayese Ahmad, Vaseem Raja, Manik Sharma. HEPATOPROTECTIVE ACTIVITY OF ETHYL ACETATE EXTRACT OF ADHATODA VASICA IN SWISS ALBINO RATS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 5(6), March, 16-21
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