IJCRR - 5(2), January, 2013
Pages: 135-139
Author: Naila Masood, Imran Ali Shaikh, Ali Raza Memon, Saira Baloch
Category: Healthcare
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Background: Anemia is a disorder characterized by reduction in hemoglobin concentration of blood
below the normal level.
It is a global problem, mainly affecting poor people in developing countries.
Methods: to determine trace metals fifty intravenous blood samples anemic patients and normal
subjects were collected and immediately centrifuged to obtain the supernatant liquid, serum of both the
groups for analysis.
Results: The mean serum levels of magnesium, zinc, copper, and iron and
antioxidant activity in anemic patients were 16.05±1.14ppm, 4.33±0.28 ppm, 2.5±0.2ppm,
1.50±0.28ppm and 1.27±0.05ppm respectively. Serum magnesium, zinc, iron and antioxidant levels
were significantly lower whereas, the higher level of Copper was observed in anemic patients
compared to the controls.
Conclusion: Supplementation with deficient trace elements may reduce the
severity of symptoms and complications associated with anemia.
Keywords: Anemia, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Antioxidant Activity.
Naila Masood, Imran Ali Shaikh, Ali Raza Memon, Saira Baloch. EVALUATION OF ANTIOXIDANT LEVEL AND TRACE METALS IN ANEMIA International Journal of Current Research and Review. 5(2), January, 135-139
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