IJCRR - 5(7), April, 2013
Pages: 88-92
Author: Pajanivel Ranganadin, Palanivel Chinnakali, Kavita Vasudevan, Manju Rajaram
Category: Healthcare
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Aim: To assess respiratory health status of traffic policemen using spirometry.
Materials and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among traffic policemen in Puducherry, a town in south India. Information on duration of exposure, respiratory symptoms and usage protective equipment were obtained. Spirometry was done to assess lung function. Observed values of Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) parameters like Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) and Mid Maximal Expiratory Flow (MMEF) were compared with predicted values (expected values).
Results: A total of 94 traffic policemen were included in the study. Mean duration of working in traffic department was 4.5 years (SD ± 4.2). More than half (52.1%) of policemen reported ‘cough’ in past three months. Rhinitis (common cold) was reported by 40%. All observed PFT parameters (FVC, FEV1, PEFR and MMEF) were less than their respective predicted (expected) values.
Conclusion: Respiratory function of traffic policemen showed reduction compared to their expected values emphasizing the need for preventive measures.
Keywords: Pulmonary function test, traffic policemen, respiratory function, respiratory illness
Pajanivel Ranganadin, Palanivel Chinnakali, Kavita Vasudevan, Manju Rajaram. RESPIRATORY HEALTH STATUS OF TRAFFIC POLICEMEN IN PUDUCHERRY, SOUTH INDIA International Journal of Current Research and Review. 5(7), April, 88-92
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