IJCRR - 5(10), May, 2013
Pages: 120-127
Author: Patchava Apparao, A. Chaturvedi Pilladi, W. Meerabai Devi, CH. Ashok Chakravarthi
Category: Healthcare
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Objectives: The purpose of the study was 1) To find the effect of warm-up exercise and static stretch on the flexibility of Hamstring muscles among student population and 2) To compare the efficacy of static stretch with and without warm-up exercise on hamstring length. Methods: Thirty volunteer subjects (ages 18-23 years) with limited Hamstring length were assigned to two groups: (1) static stretch, (2) static stretch and warm-up. The Static stretch group consisted of one repetition of static stretch per a day for 30 sec duration, 5 times a week for 6 weeks. Stair climbing for 10 minutes is given as Warm up before the stretching in group (2). Hamstring length was measured pre intervention and post intervention using the active knee extension (AKE) test. Data were analyzed using a student paired t test and a chi square test to find out the difference between the groups. Results: Group 1 & 2 showed a significant increase in hamstring length between pre intervention and post intervention measurements. After 6 weeks, Group 2 had a mean increase of 22.14°and group 1 had a mean increase of 15.1° in AKE. Both of these groups did show a significant decrease (22.14° and 15.1°, respectively) in hamstring muscle length. However Group 1 and 2 did not differ significantly from each other. Conclusions: A significant increase in hamstring length when using static stretching. The addition of a warm-up exercise prior to stretching does not appear to significantly increase the effectiveness of static hamstring stretching.
Keywords: flexibility, lower extremity, muscle length, stretching, warm-up.
Patchava Apparao, A. Chaturvedi Pilladi, W. Meerabai Devi, CH. Ashok Chakravarthi. COMPARE THE EFFECTS OF STATIC STRETCH AND WARM UP EXERCISES VERSUS STATIC STRETCH ON HAMSTRING TIGHTNESS AMONG STUDENT POPULATION International Journal of Current Research and Review. 5(10), May, 120-127
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