IJCRR - 5(12), June, 2013
Pages: 97-103
Author: Shashank K. J. , M.M. Angadi , K. A. Masali, Prashant Wajantri, Sowmya Bhat, Arun P. Jose
Category: Healthcare
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Background: One of the main aspects of National rural health mission (NRHM) is to develop a band of Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) workers in the rural areas with the purpose of supporting the community to access public health services. She is assigned one thousand populations and given training for 4 months. The discourse on the ASHA’s role centers around three typologies: ASHA as an activist, as a link worker or facilitator, and as a community level health care provider. Objectives: 1) To assess the social and working profile of ASHA workers. 2) To assess the knowledge of ASHA workers on infant health care. Methodology: A cross sectional study was done on 132 ASHA workers selected from 5 random PHCs in Bijapur taluk. Data was collected in a prestructured proforma using interview technique from June to October, 2012. Data was represented in the form of proportions and figures. Results: Average working population of each ASHA was found to be 1078 persons, with 10 household visits/week. 45 (34.1%) ASHA opined that breast feeding should be stopped by one years of age, 34 (25.8%) to discontinue breastfeeding in case of diarrheoa. 58 (43.9%) conveyed that mothers can take Oral Contraceptive Pills during lactation. Conclusion: The effectiveness of ASHA worker largely depends on the training and support from both the health system and the community. Majority of them were not aware about their role in behaviour modification with regards to infant feeding. Reorientation training programmes should be conducted to improve their efficacy.
Keywords: NRHM, ASHA, infant, breast feeding.
Shashank K. J. , M.M. Angadi , K. A. Masali, Prashant Wajantri, Sowmya Bhat, Arun P. Jose. A STUDY TO EVALUATE WORKING PROFILE OF ACCREDITED SOCIAL HEALTH ACTIVIST (ASHA) AND TO ASSESS THEIR KNOWLEDGE ABOUT INFANT HEALTH CARE International Journal of Current Research and Review. 5(12), June, 97-103
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