IJCRR - 5(12), June, 2013
Pages: 39-44
Author: P. Dharmendra, Takkallapalli Anitha, Seema Madan, PradeepLondhe
Category: Healthcare
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The anatomy of the coronary vessels has been described in detail for atleast 3 centuries. Detailed appreciation of the normal origin, course, branching and myocardial distribution of these vessels is vital so that variations of the normal anatomy can be more easily recognized and applied to clinical practice. Knowledge of normal anatomy and variations in the branching pattern of coronary arteries is very important to identify the cause of coronary artery diseases and to perform therapeutic, radio diagnostic and surgical procedures. Since the left main coronary artery system is the commonly affected vessel and is the first vessel to show blockages, this study was conducted. 93 formalin fixed hearts were collected in the department of anatomy over a period of 2010 to 2012 and dissected. Origin, length, number of terminal divisions and the area of distribution of left main coronary artery was noted. The present study showed that the left coronary artery originated from left posterior aortic sinus except in one heart where it originated from right coronary sinus. The mean length of left coronary artery is 9.2 ±0.31mm, mean outer diameter was 4.64 ± 1.03.In 58.6% cases it bifurcated, in 35.48% cases it trifurcated and in 6.45% hearts it tetrafurcated.
Keywords: Left main coronary artery, variations, tetrafurcation, angiographic anatomy.
P. Dharmendra, Takkallapalli Anitha, Seema Madan, PradeepLondhe. CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT ANATOMICAL VARIATIONS OF THE LEFT CORONARY ARTERY IN HUMAN CADAVERIC HEARTS International Journal of Current Research and Review. 5(12), June, 39-44
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