IJCRR - 5(13), July, 2013
Pages: 88-92
Author: A. Perumal, Ravichandran D.
Category: Healthcare
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Background: Suprascapular neuropathy is due to suprascapular nerve entrapment in the suprascapular foramen and it is one of the causes for chronic shoulder pain and dysfunction. The suprascapular notch in the superior border of the scapula is usually bridged by the Superior Transverse Scapular Ligament (STSL). Sometimes the ligament gets ossified and compresses the suprascapular nerve passing deep to it producing the characteristic symptoms of compression neuropathy. The incidence of the ossified STSL varies in different ethnic populations. This study attempts to delineate the incidence of ossified STSL in Tamil Nadu population of India. Materials and Methods: Two hundred and thirty seven (237) dry human scapulae were studied. The presence of ossified STSL noted by macroscopic examination with naked eye. Results were tabulated and statistical analysis done. Results: 9.7% of bones show complete ossification of STSL and 10.9% of bones showed partial or incomplete ossification of STSL. Conclusion: The knowledge of incidence of ossified STSL is essential for surgeons performing surgical decompression of the entrapped supra scapular nerve. This paper adds to the morphological data of the Tamil Nadu population, which would be of use to the Orthopedic surgeons working in this area.
Keywords: Scapula, superior transverse scapular ligament, entrapment, decompression, incidence.
A. Perumal, Ravichandran D.. THE INCIDENCE OF OSSIFIED SUPERIOR TRANSVERSE SCAPULAR LIGAMENT (STSL) IN TAMIL NADU POPULATION OF INDIA International Journal of Current Research and Review. 5(13), July, 88-92
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