IJCRR - 5(14), July, 2013
Pages: 96-102
Author: Samuel S.E., Helina G., Krishna A.P.
Category: Healthcare
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to estimate the effects of neuromotorfacilitatory training on dynamic balance ability in young collegiate men. Methodology: Collegiate men 18 to 25 years of age were randomly allocated into intervention and placebo training groups with 30 subjects in each group. Neuromotorfacilitatory training intervention consisted of equillibrium control exercises, closed kinematic chain exercises, PNF patterns and rhythmic stabilization exercise for 8 weeks. Dynamic balance ability was determined by the Eyes closed dynamic (ECD) standing balance test. Pre and post intervention data were analysed to estimate differences with Student?s unpaired „t?test. Results: 60 young adults (mean age 21.62±1.12 yrs.) completed the study. ECD balance (in secs.)showed statistically significant improvement from mean5.23±1.68to mean 8.22±2.62 (p? 0.01) for non- dominant leg and from mean 5.28±1.54 to 8.01±2.28 (p? 0.01)for dominant leg in the intervention group.In placebo training group, ECD balance (in secs.) showed no significant changes from5.23±1.57to 4.88±1.14(p>0.05) for non- dominant leg and from 5.11±1.08 to 5.26±0.90(p>0.05)for dominant leg. Conclusion: Neuromotorfacilitatory training improved dynamic balance ability in young adults.
Keywords: Neuromotorfacilitatory training, athletic performance, dynamic balance, Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Samuel S.E., Helina G., Krishna A.P.. EFFECTS OF NEUROMOTOR FACILITATORY TRAINING ON DYNAMIC BALANCE ABILITY IN YOUNG COLLEGIATE MEN International Journal of Current Research and Review. 5(14), July, 96-102
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