IJCRR - Vol 09 issue 10 current issue , May, 2017
Pages: 23-27
Health Problems and Coping after Laparoscopic Sterilization: A Descriptive Correlational Study
Author: Diana Monteiro, Juliana Linnette D Sa
Category: Healthcare
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Female sterilization is one of the most commonly used contraception. Women often experience health problems after sterilization and use several coping strategies to overcome their problems.
Objective: This study is aimed atidentifying health problems experienced by women after laparoscopic sterilization and coping strategies used by them and finding the relationship between health problem and coping.
Methods: The descriptive correlation study was conducted in an urban area of Mangalore city in a southern state of India. Using snowball sampling 135 women were selected and interviewed at their residences. Data were collected with a background information questionnaire, Health Problem Rating Scale and the Jalowiec Coping Scale.
Results: Women experienced psychosocial problems more frequently than physical problems;sexual problems were least reported. They effectively used confrontive, self-reliant, and optimistic coping styles. Health problems and coping styles had a significant positive correlation. A strong positive correlation was also found between use of coping style and coping effectiveness.
Conclusion: This study advances current literature by linking health problems and coping of women who have undergone laparoscopic sterilization. However, future research and in-depth study is necessary for analyzing the interaction between health problems and strategies to cope with them.
Keywords: Laparoscopic sterilization, Health problems, Coping styles, Coping strategies
Diana Monteiro, Juliana Linnette D Sa. Health Problems and Coping after Laparoscopic Sterilization: A Descriptive Correlational Study International Journal of Current Research and Review. Vol 09 issue 10 current issue , May, 23-27
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